Last year my mother in law passed away. Despite all stories of other people about terrible mothers in law that was not the case for me. In the contrary. She was a great and lovely person and we miss her a lot.
Since she lived alone we had to empty her house afterwards. Unfortunately we had to throw a lot of her things away. Nobody seems to want to have secondhand things somehow. And of course we took a lot of things with personal value to the family too. And between these things, we took a small and battered plant home and dropped it in the kitchen. We regularly gave it some water and forgot a bit about it.
Until last week. Suddenly two beautiful flowers appeared on this battered plant. Almost like a sign. I couldn’t resist making an image of it.
So here it is.
For those who are interested. Is seems to be a Christmas cactus or Thanksgiving Cactus. Since it is already march when it started to bloom its schedule is kind of upset.
I did some fineart post processing to the image to get this painterly look to it.