Snow shoot with Ellen 1

During the snow period here in the Netherlands I had a shoot with Ellen as well. And just so that you know: Ellen is my second realisation of my ‘New Years resolution’ in terms of shooting with plus size models. And did we had a cool shoot that day. Both figuratively speaking and in terms of temperature.

You can find more about Ellen’s work at her Facebook page: Shoots van curvy amateur model Ellen.

This shoot was a cooperation with model Daisy as wel. See my news page Snow shoot with Daisy for some behind-the-scenes images as well. These behind-the-scenes images were created by Ellen by the way. During this shoot Ellen also did a great job as a MUA for both Daisy and herself.

During the shoot we visited several spots in a local park and got some great images. As a surprise we even got a duo shot with the super cute dog Kiki. I think the image of Kiki and Ellen came out great.

Here are some results of the shoot with Ellen:

A big thank you to Ellen for being a great MUA and a fantastic model. I had a great time out there in the snow. And thank you to Kiki and her owner for giving us the the opportunity to shoot with her.

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