As you already might have read in some previous news messages I’m still shooting on location only during the COVID situation. Most of the time that means shooting outdoors. I love being outdoors by the way. Also for shooting. However some photographers love the harsh sunlight, I still can not seam to like images of it. I think that a lot of that has to do with my style of shooting. Which, as you might have guessed, is a kind of simple-hearted, tranquil and modest. More about my style in an upcoming news message.
So I had a shoot with model Jack in a beautiful nature environment.
You can find more about Jack’s work at her Instagram feed: @jack_reid_rystrom.
While being in nature really excites me it also puts me out of my comfort zone a lot because I love the control I have with the light in a studio. In nature you have to work with what you get. No control at all. In most of my outdoor shoots that means sunlight at moments when I don’t need it. So this time I took the outdoor shooting up a notch and added a big diffuser and transformed the sunlight in a kind of soft box. Which worked great.
And to get even more out of my comfort zone I used a small flash instead of my trusty big studio strobes. We came by a kind of wooden cone in which I needed extra light on Jack. So I added a small flash and a reflector. It worked out fine to me.
We had some great behind-the-scenes images this time so you can see what a shoot is like with me.
Being out of my comfort zone had everything to do with my ability to work in sunlight and outdoor environment. It had nothing to do with the model because Jack did a great job in modelling. We created some great images which I am very happy with.
Here are some of the results:
So thank you big time Jack for the great collaboration. And thank you so much Natasha for being such a great assistant and providing me with these cool BTS-images. I loved working with both of you.