We have made it to another year. It is 2020. And therefore I wish you all a happy new year. I hope that this year will bring you nothing but goodness and health.
Since I got the feeling that time travels fast, I find this image of Bianca very applicable to this post:
So now the new year has begun. What will 2020 bring? To be honest: I don’t know. But I do know I have some ideas to work on.
My biggest goal for 2020 is that I want to create more fine art images. Something like the image above from Bianca. But then even better. I’m not exactly sure how to create al this type of art but I will take 2020 to get there.
If there are people who like to work with me on these shoots, please let me know. I think we can achieve some cool things together.
Beside the fine art work I have plans to create the moody atmosphere outdoors in the same way I create in the studio. I would definitely like to do some shoots like that on location. Bringing the lighting gear with us and do a bit bigger production that only the one-on-one photoshoots.
And maybe I will do some projects this year. Different projects than the one of 2019 though. Projects that are closer to my goals and style.